


近一年刻苦學習 影片剪輯…於是乎見到了 台灣某 相關 公司合作講師在 youtube上

介紹了一 個叫" shutterstock" 的網站~

但不知它是個"境外公司"~只是直覺上 相信那個講師,所以 也就信任那個網了~

結果發現 該"境外" 網上 標售的幣值 與 實際收到帳戶消費/刷卡通知後 的帳金額,天差地別!~並不一樣!~

= 有陷井~

※ 先例舉例(附2 張圖) 另一境外網上銷售網上面的清楚標示銷售額,完全不會讓人搞混:

   而且 在台灣也有服務據點,電話也都打得通,還是供 30 天不滿意退款服務~


I've been hard learning how to make film clip for more than one years.

I've seen someone who is teaching about the area  on youtube,

and she introduced one video selling websit named" shutterstock".


Because the teacher is Taiwanese, I didn't doubt  the website she introduced.

I've ordered some videos from the selling websit" shutterstock" recently.

But  when I've just paid the payment from my back account of Taiwan,

I soon got the remittance notice from my bank. almost at the same time. I was shocked.

The process of my purchasing at the website had never showed that they uses USD dollar

or Euro(currency)!~ uploaded above what I described below from pictuer three....


for example:

the two pictures below of outside borders company which is also a selling website on internet.

They accept people of Taiwan to make orders at their website, and cearly indicates what kind of

specific currencies they accepted  let people from different countries can chose and buy

their commodities.

all the course of events of how to pay the bill is clear.

Won't let people obscure the facts or to be cheated.


cyberlick-new blue 特效、商品 國外購物網金額格式圖-1.jpg

cyberlick-new blue 特效、商品 國外購物網金額下拉選單不同國貨幣格式圖.jpg



(如何得知shutterstock 為" 境外銷售網/公司, 且為 不合理、可能亦非法~ 請往下看…)

How and why I think  "sutterstock" is not a rationalization, might be a cheating group:


舉例 (for instance):

圖3(picture 3)-

Shutterstock-影片選購 隨便顯示訂購 網頁示 幣值-注意處已畫紅線-R.jpg

↑ 圖1-隨意 進入網站,隨意點選 一影片 或圖 按下載,它會跳出這個頁面~

(You can click any one video and then click download. Next,

It will show up the pictuer as the picture 3 I sticked)

(如何進入該網-請google搜尋-sutterstock / How to get the website? please google for

" shutterstock".)~

seems It has just changed the layout of its selling website's these days.

※ 注意 右上方 的幣元顯示 只有 $~ 並無示 USD$ 或為 歐元!!!~

  Notice at the top of right side I've marked out.

  The specific currency of picture 3 doesn't indicate USD$ or EURO!

※ 再注意 中下方用 橘色 框出的地方- 網頁上 顯得 好- International corporation 的銷售網!~

   但其實 並不是!~ 包含 紅線框出的 聯絡方式= shit!~ 拿自己的消費(被詐的莫名其妙經驗來說)

   Next, to watch at the part that I've marked out with saffron.

   It shows that the selling website looks really

a "international corporation"??? not really~Question:  it's outland company,

doesn't give the global services, there is no service site in Taiwan.

Why they accept money remittance from Taiwan???...

 It shuld be established in  USA or B.V.

their company's adress wrote on its law contract statemen:

Chinese version:

shutterstock-於法聲中 寫出的 辦公地址資訊.jpg

English version:

shutterstock-於英文版法聲中 寫出的 辦公地址資訊圖-已線框出.jpg


Though it stated itself a legal limited corporation, who knows in fact??!!!

Its trading way is really similar illegal !~

I've asked the police department of deception,  described all my complicated

purchase process to them. They told me it's a common outland deception trick!~

It's no use what the evidences you have proved to them.

It will find lots of sayings trying to appease you.

" Law statement???" just kidding!~ They won't give you any refund in any case!

On 2017/11/3, I tried to send it a last message at FB. Telling it's unworthy to be trust!

It promissed me will have one of its team make a call to help me solve the

problem but didn't!~

(can take a contrast with those pictures( positive proofs I showed following.)

The related department of goverment of Taiwan suggested me make a request to the

" Federal Trade Commission of USA"← It's so strange. After they saw this message,

I soon got one service phone call from Hong Kong! (phone number is +1-646-419-4452,

tried to make a call back, but to be refused!~)

Unfortunately, all what she's trying, saying and doing from A to Z just like the

policeman here had told me.

check the picture below:

2017-11-3-最後收到香港客服 陳小姐的 郵件回覆圖.png

↑ after I got this e-mail from them, I didn't write anything in reply.

I've known the outcome  will be like all  the police man here told me.

though she did give me a call by 5pm on  2017/11/3.← just wanted to tell me

" can give any refund to me!"

(I swear ! all what I've said is truth.

My cell phone already download a sound recording software.)

2017/11/5. I went to check their selling website again,

found even they've known what fact will mislead customers,

doesn't correct the " specific currency" of their selling web. see:

(you can check the date and time I've marked out.)




↑ Does it mean that they will keep the intention to mislead consumers

who are not from USA, Europe or don't understand the symbol of money???!!!

If this trading way isn't of deception(欺罔), omission(隱瞞),practices(行為)

then what is it???!!!

Why the policeman of decetion department here(Taiwan) would clearly tell me

that is a common outland cheating way after I told him the detailed

purchasing process of mine?!


Where they offers real services?....

after I read their law cantract statement...I think you best live in USA

or main areas of European Union~

※ European Union:

Netherlands B.V. :

Netherlands 荷蘭(全稱為荷蘭王國)


B.V.= "Besloten Vennootschap".

B.V.I= 【commerce,trade】=

British Virgin Islands(英屬維京群島)←do you know what does it mean???



It's a heaven of money laundering and tax-dodging !!!~


If you have ever touched that area(business) you'll understand.


Because its firm's headquarters is in USA. Check the information I got below:


selling website :


圖5-再看下一張,進入 確定 結帳前 顯示的 總額 與 幣元圖:

check the picture 5 below :

When you get into the final step,

it will only ask you to write down your credit card informations!~

Notice, the specific currency still not shows  USD$ or EURO!(I've marked it out with red line)

But when you send out the order, you will soon get a remittance notification from you bank!

$ 79 will become you have paid NTD$ 2780= USD$92...then you'll be shocked!~

This kind of trading way isn't called " to cheat customers???!!!"

下圖是 隨便 選擇一個影片後,進入結帳,按下送出訂單前,頁面顯示的 價錢 與幣元←在右側,


picture 5:

Shutterstock-影片選購 隨便顯示訂購 網頁示 幣值結帳-注意處已畫紅線.jpg


圖5-是我被shock 到後,立馬去 檢視我在該網的 帳戶 訂購明細圖:

Picture 5 is the original purchase history of mine of shutterstock displayed in my account.

when the time I've just paid the sum of money $1270 to them←I drew a line

under the money !~

my bank account sent me a message almost at the same time that I

actually paid them  NTD$ 38,949.

See picture 6 below....

( I've been terrified. I went to check my account of shutterstock at once!

still written as $1270. )

the selling website= "shutterstock" use USD$ or EURO to charge from customers but

they don't tell you at the first time???!!!!

Obviously, they're trying to mislead consumers,aren't they???

specially, If you're not live in USA, Europe or don't totally understand the symbols of

different countries's specific currencies!~

What the hell is???!!!

besides, when you first to register at shutterstock they won't ask you write down

your phone number!

(↑ based on my purchasing process and the final outcome I got from their customer

e-mail service system ,It means they don't care customers rights, only want to earn

money from people. it would be best that you can't find a way to make contact with them!

When you get problems with the consumption practices,

payment...etc. You'll be hard to find a way  to get in touch with them!)

You'll get a strange phone number created by its system!~

They won't show you the law statement made by themself.

even you have ever bought their commodities.

You need to find it by yourself!~


Picture 6: ↓ 畫線部份顯示的幣別 依舊是$ 1270。不是 USD$ 1270~

shtterstock-帳戶內英文顯示訂購 僅幣元$圖-已畫紅線.jpg


picture 7:


↑ the message picture above got from my bank account soon after I paied them the money.

(they withdraw money from your bank account very fast. when I found my payment got big

problem, I immediately made a call to ask my bank account's employee.)


※ 但當你 匯款、刷卡完成後,收到的 消費金 額是卻是 用 歐元計算的~

   例如: 你以為是 台幣$ 1270? 結果 付費 額是-$38489~ 差很大!~


圖8(picture 8):

※ ↓下面這張是 再隔一小段時間去檢視我帳戶內的 訂購紀錄,媽呀~幣值竟被改成 US$了~:

↓ picture 8 below : 

  in a short time, I went to check my account at Shutterstock once again

(after I finished the payment and got the remittance notice .)

OMG!~ They soon changed my purchase history !~

The currency value has become USD$??!!!

※ picture 8:

shtterstock-帳戶內英文顯示訂購 幣元圖為-US$.jpg

  (↑偶只是小老百姓,迷有那麼多錢 可供人訛~真要花那些錢,寧願去組一台全新的升級的 電腦~)

(或是直接去 買正版Adobe 的 AE,自學如何製作特效!~)



以下為 購買後,收到付款銀行通知的 總額 被嚇到!~ 立馬 去 翻查其網的 所謂 法律 聲明? 中文版翻譯:

After I got the payment notice, been shocked!!! 

I tried to browsing and looking up for their law statement at once.

in the event just like below:



中簡字版(Chinese version):

英文版(english version):

(↑該網說-英文版才具有法律效力?~呿,又是啥? 意思還不是一樣!~

只是 英單字的 用法 …如日常會話、財經英文、適用於法律…etc 解釋

很多時候是不同的 (鑽文字來者~懞看不懂英文的消費者來的~)

They emphasized that the law contract statement has been translated into

Chinese and Englsh. It only has  effects in English version !

( I really doubt what if people can't read or understand English???)

This will become one of excuses of them to suppress customers.



※ 裡面明載到-購買後,未下載 可退款??!!!~ oh~別當真!~

細讀了 2 個版本關於取消訂單、退款部份,附圖及分析如下:

I've carefully read its law contract statement about how to cancel the

order and get the refunds.

made an analysis as follows:

Chinese version:

sutterstock-中簡字譯 法律條文-退款部份-有畫線對照.jpg

English version:

sutterstock-英文 法律條文-退款部份-有畫線標出.jpg

※ …首先 查對照一下 英文版的法律合約聲明:

內寫的- Netheriands 和 Netherlands ←…google 一下可了解有何不同。

result: They won't give me any refunds!~no matter what I proved to them!~

How unfair they are! particularly, I'm not living in USA or European Union.

Question: What if people don't understand its selling/trading way,

unluckily have butterfingers to make a careless mistake=

just right to touch the mouse buttom click the icon of downloading????

there are some possibles:

1-All at once mouse's sensitivity is out of control.

2- a power failure suddenly happen to your purchasing process.

(↑ the two reasons are of inexorable. like here, Taiwan,

where I'm living on 2017/11/5 morning,

the second factor/accident just happened  unexpectedly and is not planned in advance

while I was writting something on my blog~)

so what? They won't give the refund you've paid even if you

proved the evidences to them!




而當日因 其 Selling website 無提供

客戶 e-mail 寄圖檔類 功能,所以努力找上了 它們在FB 上的職員? 客服?

The e-mail system of Shutterstock doesn't offers the funtion to attach picture files.

I can only search on internet. I found one site about it at FB.

its FB website :

在台灣, 當你購物後,就算馬上發現問題,想與之聯繫,
以為 撥打該網顯示的-各國據點 客服聯絡電話即可? oh~no~

先上網查了 各不同國家撥號時,

前面 需加什麼 國區碼= shit!~ 根本不行的!~

再一 一詢問過 台灣的電信業商,網頁上的 那些電話號碼 該如何 加國區碼才打得通,結果:

例舉: China 那支 400 開頭的,不接受 境外 打進去的電話!~

even though you found out that there is smoething wrong after you paid

the money to them at once, you can't get in touch with those phone numbers

they gave you or showed on their website to cusumers of Taiwan.


I can't contact with them by those phone numbers they shows on their selling websit.

(I did ask the telecommunications service provider here (Taiwan), they told me I can't get in touch

with those phone numbers they showed or gave. They don't accept calling from my country(Taiwan)!

Shutterstock is an outland corporation!

doesn't have any sites or connection telephones in Taiwan!

I've inquuired for those phone numbers I marked with red line one by one.

It's funny, they showed a phone service number of Australia????

The answer I got is that " no this kind of phone numbers"!!!~

↓↑comparison with picture 11:

Shutterstock-給的客戶各國區 各國 連絡電話-注意處已畫紅線-1.jpg


 passed through the way full of twists and turns I found a site they built at Fb,

tried to contact it by messages in private. first, informed them that my purchase got a

big problem! requested them help me to cancel the order.

only in that way I can send picture(evidences, see picture 12.) to prove I didn't

download any videos from their selling website! 

when I got the payment notice my finger canceled the files had just started downloading!

It means I discontinued it in time !

using the e-mail adress they provided for customer wrote down my problem

sent it previously, too!

圖 12/picture 12:

把未下載之圖証寄予它。但也 只能用 Message 傳送~~~

↓ picture 12 is what I've said already sent it to their staff at FB by message in private.


↑ 上面圖為-2017/10/29日凌晨 於該網訂購匯款後,正準備下載,同時 亦接獲 付款銀行的 消費 總額通知!~

立馬 取消下載 並 傳給 其 FB上的該公司 Staff~

pictuer 13:


↑ 上圖是 於2017/11/2日 一直沒等到其承諾會再用電話回覆下,再去檢視了 電腦中下載情形圖~

根本就沒下載,從上 2 張 時間圖 証明,鬼幫我電腦下載了!~還會自行增加!~

watch at picture 13, I didn't get a call before 2017/11/1.  it promissed even.

so I went to check the downlowad files situation in my computer.

you can take a look at the timetable and make a comparison with picture 13

and 14. I do not download those files!~ It must be done by the ghost!~

The most important thing is that I can't open those files.

need to update what sofewares? see picture 14.

但事實上 那些檔案 開不了! 需要去另去下載什麼程式 ~如下圖 pictuer 14:





亦不只一次告知 因 其公司? 為境外公司,並不接受 這裡(Taiwan) 打進去的電話~

至目前僅接受一通,由中國內地打來的,但那位客服? 似乎不太了解其公司的作業方式,

只是  以常見 公司/官方的說法,說一旦匯款 即不能退款…,也承諾會再打電話給偶,但並沒有!~

它承諾 隔天會 再打給偶?等了一整天,花兒也謝了~

都沒打來,於是用手機 用它撥進來的電話號碼回撥…結果:

手機告訴我: 不在服務 的 範圍內~~= 起碼,在台灣的 消費者根本無法主動與之連繫,

可對方 卻一直 回我 - 請撥打 它寄給我的 "International " 諸多國家之

客服? 公司? 連絡電話號碼? 簡直 無言以對!!!~

※ 下面圖為-事發後,當日即用FB的maseeger傳圖給其staff?

然後 它素這樣回的:


I've told it many times that it's outland corporation, those phone numbers

it gave me again and again don't accept calling in from Taiwan.

still answered and sent me the same! check picture 15.

the website showed in the message will  link to the first time what it replied

to me~~sure I did write an e-mail to it again and give it my Phone number.

first call I got from it was no use! the service staff of its team is from China.

She told me that she is olny a common worker of their company,

just gave me an official saying that she couldn't help me to solve my problem.

will arrange another one who is more perofessional to make a call to me in a short time~.

promissed by 2017/11/2.

but I didn't get any call that day!~


圖 15/picture 15:



接著回是這樣的: 圖 16/picture 16↓:

look, after I sent my phone number to their customer service at FB gave me

the same link~~~

告知其 那些電話不接受 境外打入-仍給我 其網站上列出的各國電話連絡方式-要我自行打電話.png

↑啥米哇哥…~ 明明都如實告知其 那些它給的各國電話,拒絕 台灣

的 Calling in!~

圖 17/picture 17↓ :

Picture 17 is when I got the same answer from their selling website's e-mail sysytem.

next, I sent it to the staff by message at FB.~


圖 17: ↑然 2047/11/2日 再接其網的 郵件系統通知-【請撥打上列網址內國電話 與之連繫???】

X#%& 我…心塞到不行,快中風了!!~


這情形無奈下,也只得透過 該銷售網的 客服e-mail 信箱 告知了!!!~

但是回覆還是一樣= 始終如一 的說法!!!~

最終 還是以-一則-E-mail 回覆(用中文翻譯出要點):

它們無法 在客戶選購 匯款後,取消訂單 並退款←即使是未下載??!!!

還說 銷售網 無法 移除 任何帳戶??? ←我去!~ 明明 它的法律聲明就寫到,

它有權終止客戶的 account!!!~

they keeping to tell me that they can't cancel any orders after coutomers

paied the money to them??!!~

please check picture 18 below:

It's clear and definite wrriten in their law contract statement that they

have the absolute right to remove any customers' accounts of shutterstock!!!

shutterstock-英文法聲-載出 其有單方取消客戶帳戶之權利圖.jpg



(通常號稱international 的公司,會在 申請 帳戶時,要求客戶先詳閱 其訂立

的法規、使用條文,但這個網的 法律聲明,並沒有!~而是 事後 自行找閱的!~)

都已經在第一間 告知,並未成功下載其網任何影片到我電腦中!~也給了圖証!~

事後檢視存在偶shutterstock account 內的影片,都是 後來才產生出現的!!!~

至今也未去下載任一!!! 試點選一項也顯示-重新下載-

這樣前後依圖証、時間比對,根本 在第一時間就沒成功下載任何影片!~

(其網的 收款~給帳戶碼~給發票~那速度超Fast!~)

若客戶手滑,不小心點到一鍵= 也等於下載成功????

投稿人 會在我付款後,立馬/瞬間收到 匯款??!!←問了我銀行,連我這樣



usually international corporation selling website will show you their

law cantract statement and ask you finsih it when you first to create

an account of their website. BUT shutterstock doesn't !!!

It means what???!!!

What if people who is unluckily to have butterfingers to make a careless mistake=

just right to touch the mouse buttom click the icon of downloading????

I've already informed them after the event happened at the first time.

sent them the proofs of pictures that I haven't ssuccessful downloaded

any videos from their website, all the videos shows in my account now

appears later.

I dare not click the downloading icon till now!

Take a comparison with all  the pictures/evidences I've shown to be equal

I do not download anything from their selling website!



原始收到 2017/11/2日該網郵覆系統英文回覆如下圖 18:

↓ pictuer 18 is their customer service e-mail system sent to me

on 2017/11/2.


↑ They can't remove customers' account of it? 

    can't track anything? then how they changed my account

   purchasing history information???!!! and told me they had checked my

   account??? Then what is this below:

shutterstock-英文法聲-載出 其有單方取消客戶帳戶之權利圖.jpg

↑ It's clear and definite wrriten in their law contract statement that they have

the absolute right to remove any customers' accounts of shutterstock!!!

※ The last one service staff of it told me that all the messages I've

sent to them made them confused???!!!

so that caused they delayed to respond me????

I believe that  she must think I'm a fool.

Because I only use simple English words to connect with them.

see the picture below:

english word in blue color frame is sent by me. wrote too fast then, misspelt some words...

第一次 找到它fb站 傳訊 使用的英文圖.png



圖 18中譯:



它看了我在它網的 帳戶,也明白我不打算成為它們的會員。

基本上它們不會每個月對我收取費用 或 收取年費←誰提問這個了???!!!!

不幸+抱歉地對我說: shutterstock=其公司 無法退款予我,

因為我已經下載了影片???!!!←可見它們無視於消費者提供啥證明 未下載來著!!!~

因為 影片投稿者 在我下載影片後 會立馬 收到 它們的撥款???!!!


許可証明 也無法 復原????← 那你們的網頁系統 何以可以 馬上更改我的帳戶歷史???!!!

(↑ 從我在不知真像 的情況下 付款~通過~它們發出一個什麼序號給我~ 到給收據/發票?

那迅速是 我之前在網站購物 尚未遇見過的!~)

它們無法追查 影片 是否被移除 或是 被繼續使用???!!!←這不明擺說瞎話嗎!!!

(↑ 已經寄給它們圖証了,號稱那麼大的國際性公司,沒有一個電腦工程師 看得懂

我寄給它們的圖証 代表什麼???!!! 而說到 移除←在它們的法律聲明有載,它們可以

自行 移除 消費者的 帳戶的!!! 被移除後= 消費者什麼 也得不到,我在第一時間告知,

為何不在 第一時間 就直接 執行移除???!!! 托了 幾天後 才這麼回我???!! 更妙的是,

最後 接到那通 聽上去比較 有經驗的 香港服務員 她說她姓 陳,還說 因為 很多同事

不懂我 寫的英文?!~才這麼慢回我?!~ 我去!~ 我用詞遣字 都是很 常見,易了解的!!!~ )

看一下下面我最初找到它們在 FB 的點,我用英文傳送的 訊息圖~

如果連我這程度的英文它們的職員都無法理解,不知它號稱國際性的 公司 招職員的






總之就是- 只要錢 進了它的帳戶,不論怎樣 其網、公司都不會退款,

不論你有否 証明 其 法律聲明中-未下載 可退款 這項法律聲明條文= what the hell is!~


※ 附上其不斷寄給我的 諸多 國際據點 電話圖:

enclosed herewith those different countries phone numbers pictures they sent me time after time:

↓其實在其網 也可以檢視:

you can also link the website below to check it:

下面則是該網列出 其它國家的連絡電話圖:

感覺上是不是 很international?


Shutterstock-給的客戶各國區 各國 連絡電話-注意處已畫紅線-2.jpg

Shutterstock-給的客戶各國區 各國 連絡電話-注意處已畫紅線-3.jpg

↑ 最後一張 紅框線內的電話…OMG!~ 台灣你打看看~前面 +009 或 019←擇一,再撥上面顯示的電話,

這是按 本區(台灣) 的電信業者 告知的 國際電話撥打方式!~

※ 這個網在 台灣 並無任何 據點,也不提供任何屬於台灣的 客服電話!!!~

↑ the last picture the part I've marked with red frame you can try to make calls

to them from Taiwan.~

even you add the area code will be refused  or always heard it's on phone ← if you

can accept, trying to call it all day long!~

※ Shutterstock doesn't have any service sites or service phones in Taiwan.


    創作者 Chi 的頭像


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